Student News (2018-2019)

Counsellor Dibon - Courtin ’s lecture

Friday, December 14th, the students of the Legal Studies Department were lucky enough to welcome a lawyer to their class.
She came to the University Institute of Technology in Rodez to talk to us about business ethics.

l'article de Louise Monloubou, DUT CJ 1



Women in science : meeting one of them, Christine Ferran

On the fourth of February, Christine Ferran came to the University Institute of Rodez, to meet Information-Communication students. She talked about her job, her firm and about the condition of women in the scientific world.

l'article de Mathilde Bodet, DUT Infocom 1

l'article de Marie Fages, DUT Infocom 1



MEETING with marc raynal and leandro de sa, from the american chamber of commerce of toulouse

On the 19th of February 2019, Mrs Doulut organised two conferences for the class of LP CCRC. We had the pleasure of meeting Marc Raynal and Leandro De Sa.

l'article de Mathilde Bodet, DUT Infocom 1